
Archive for January 9, 2012

Durham Business School to sign lease agreement for temporary move to Ushaw College – Durham University

January 9, 2012 Leave a comment

Durham University and the Trustees of Ushaw College have announced that Durham Business School (DBS) is to temporarily relocate to Ushaw College while a state-of-the-art rebuilding and extension of the School’s current home takes place.

This move represents an important step in the new relationship between the University and the Ushaw Trustees who are now working in full partnership to secure a long-term education-based vision for Ushaw College.

A licence agreement was signed by the Trustees and the University in November  to allow enabling works to be carried out in preparation for the arrival of DBS at Ushaw in April. This is being followed by a lease agreement.

Work will then begin on the £16.6million rebuilding and extension of the DBS’s current Mill Hill Lane home in Durham. Ushaw is set to be home to the Business School until these works, which are expected to take two years, are completed.

The majority of Business School staff and students will be moving to Ushaw, with other staff and students relocating to existing University premises in Durham City.

via Durham Business School to sign lease agreement for temporary move to Ushaw College – Durham University.